Not where you thought you’d be
But you’re doing alright
Since trees and their trampolines
It’s unfolded in the like
Of chaos in the present
And beauty earned only through the pain
Lessons I should have learned
When David faced the choices made
And the true moment of choice therein:
Forward or back
Control or resilience.
Perseverance a quality once treasured
Till the burden recognized
But what is the ulterior
If such sanitation were ever actualized?
And so…
You’re doing alright
And for every bit lost
There is another bit learned
And the only certainty forward
Is the uncertainty faced
And as such…
‘Get up’ is to live.
Another tally counted
Memories filling the space between
As I seek to strike the balance
Of what I was taught and what I gleaned
At the core a soul guarded
And we tender its return
Fortress walls turned prison cells
But the way out is now learned.
Time never the enemy
I am but its guest
To mark the life made
And make significant the insignificant spec.
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